Test those groom'n skills

RMGX Contests


Blake Hernandez
Hazel Christiansen
Jennie Smith, NCMG

Competition Classes

• Creative
• Poodles
• Salon Freestyle
• Sporting (Spaniels & Setters)
• Wire Coats
• All Other Purebreds
• Dirty Pup Pot Luck

Show Structure

Dual-Division Competition
Division "A" and Division "B" compete separately for title of first, second and third inter division classes. The first place winner from each Division will compete against all other fist place winners from their division for Best in Show. There will be a Best in Show Division "A" winner and a Division "B" winner.

Competition Level Divisions:
GroomTeam Sanctioned Class rules will apply to all levels with the following exception; ONLY Division "B" may use clippers, scissor and thinning shears when bodywork is typically hand stripped and/or carded for show ring in sporting class and wire coat class. A fifteen-minute time reduction will be levied.

Dirty Pup Pot Luck

Numbers/Dogs will be chosen (assigned) on Saturday at 5:30pm. Dogs will arrive at the facility at 8:00am Sunday morning to be washed and dried. Contest will begin at 2:00pm Sunday.

Participants will draw dogs with assigned numbers from a hat. When contest begins, the Contestants will then have an hour and a half to Two Hours (Depending on size) to create a beautifully groomed dog to present to judge. *Temporary color and sculpting with Hair Spray is allowed.* Judge will observe your process and judge on technique, creative flair, handling skills and quality of groom.

1-25 pound dogs will have One hour and 30 minutes, dogs above 30 pounds will have 2 hours.
*Rules updated May 28th, 2023. Subject to change. Management reserves all rights.
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